Saturday, 12 February 2011
Wednesday, 9 February 2011
Beyond Grief
Beyond Grief
What raise highest my laughter are my tears.
Those much unpredicted tears,
ghosts from a desert,
angels of the infinite
and ropes of my childhood marionettes.
They speak to me.
They say search not for a life you fully live.
They say search not for friends swallowed long within.
They say stretch not beyond roofs beneath your feet.
Seek not mountains at your knees,
rivers in your tongue,
colours of your eyes
and tunes in your throat!
And if time is your jailor,
they say,
then we are your constant breeze for Freedom.
Those honest tears
can be honest only to my honesty,
to my surrender
and to my embracing arms.
It is Wind that takes desolate leaves
from top of trees
to dark ghettos of despair.
But it is as well Wind
that carries them to the seventh sky
and in the lap
of the first reason in heaven.
There is no light at the end of the tunnel
they say ...
and the cycle of tears and laughter
remain my chateaux and my cottage,
my rain and my desert,
my air and my chest
my bread and my salt.
There is no death and life,
only the cloak of changes
sweeping the dust of time
at our faces.
And we will but name this Life!
9th February 2011
Sunday, 6 February 2011
The Ethics of Art & Media
Ethics of Art & Media

Happiness, in the world of common men, is that item which is inversely proportional to the awareness of the world's misery. And yet, through penetrating that awareness and the honest attempts to wash away such misery, one could attain a different kind of happiness. That of the Enlightened! And how many enlightened men, universities and schools around the globe do produce? Almost None. “That” work, which shall not lift up the spirit, shall only drag her down! There exist no mid tones in this field and that is why most of all graduates around the world, especially what we call first world are simply miserable. The axis of evolution and its different orbits became simply a direct projection of the common man's needs. Not what we could morally enhance and develop in him, but what we could materially “cultivate” within him: his pure animal instincts, his brutal lust after power and his basic savage desires.
The highest point of a healthy intellectual revolution is the final arrival to a tangible understanding that the images of the world are multiple illusions and that there is nothing real in them except human stubbornness and obstinacy. That stubbornness which insists, as it did for thousands of years, upon dressing the world as we “know” the world at this very moment through media, contemporary history or even our own physical eyes. What lies behind that thick veil which forever engulfed our perception is an ocean of awareness forever to be drowned in and never to reach its shores of salvation and understanding except at those of madness. There stands the terrifying face of what should be truly real! If we could still breathe and hold an intact head upon our shoulders in its domain, then we are apt never to see anything or anyone as it “is”, but what it was, what stands behind and what contributes in its final image. Time and history become thus very irrelevant to its structure and apt to be tools to penetrate further through the veils of illusion to lay down different colours, perspectives and fragments of a bigger picture of the Truth. We shall no longer see a child laughing, but his parents. No longer a tree, but the soil beneath. No longer a country but its leaders. No longer a terrorist but his faith. No longer would we be able to hear the voice of media but that of Morals and ethics slaughtered at its feet. No longer what we hear but what we should listen to. No longer what we touch but what we should sense. That kind of awareness could only be achieved throw a dynamic complexity of all variants of knowledge encapsulated and captured within the flux of one major; what I would call Evolutionary Awareness and Sustainability!
One can import fruits, thought a malicious idea, but one cannot import civilisation. A nation cannot import the generated outcome of another nation when the former had pinched every manoeuvre, pattern, idea, challenge, need, desire, fear and comprehension of totally different factors related to their own environment, culture, language, habits and history, intimately and vehemently dressed each inch of their country and their behaviour with it. The importing Nation, such as Egypt and Thailand, instantly turn to donkeys and monkeys while the exporting one, such as U.S and England turn to zoo keepers and pimps! And that is the true colour of our world now and the heart of what we call globalisation: Donkeys, monkeys, zoo keepers and pimps. And yet every one is happy as long as they make money to shop in Rome, drink coca cola and eat at McDonalds.
The same way that civilisations cannot be exported simply because they are the net and genuine result of a cultural necessitation strictly and heavily blended and moulded with environmental factors and social needs after reformations, so is education. It cannot be exported and it cannot jump the cliff of cultural differences simply because we might open schools and universities in that culture based on a system of first world programs and schemas while the citizens of that country are still loitering around their own primitive codes and primordial cultural chains of values. Thus the predicaments of publicly and repeatedly exposing and propounding the masses’ beliefs, targets and ambitions, the fact that it would take firmer roots and embodiments within the archetypal social norms where the few, the very few remaining of all educators, teachers and reformers, the elite, are constantly struggling to improve, transcend and elevate and yet those feeble efforts of theirs, against those colossal ones of the masses would ultimately fail to render any considerate and concrete changes within the overall values, what we aim to be the foundation, the spring and the basis of ideal values to be spread around the world entire; the Archetypal Reference! If the masses would continue, as they are already, to triumph and prevail, then a time would come and a powerful locked vicious circle would take place and there would be no remedy, no heeling and no hope to bend the evil arms of globalisation, indifference and apathy away from our awaited Utopia on earth (if any to take place) no matter how many universities we build and how many new curriculum we invent. A vicious circle of new kind of teachers and professors already culminating at this point to a dangerous peak where such responsibilities and tasks became no longer in accordance with values and spiritual reformations but strictly with a common and vulgar dispassionate attitude after a job like all other jobs. The outcome of their so called “teachings” is simple treachery and beyond imagining and new generations in their hectic frenzy after greed, money and power are already swarming the globe and spreading out such teachings not only to the simple and ignorant sect of communities around the world but as well to their off springs and so on.
Governments are no longer a credible tool for the true welfare of the society and politicians are mere gears the sole function of which is to maintain a gruesome and hideous balance between a mutiny from a past situation overdue in its present course from one side and the sealed, frightening changes that could strip large sects of the society from all decent living standards in an unexpected future from the other side. It is all about money and absolutely nothing else. Where is the role of universities - not only bringing solutions or remedy but in guiding governments and producing new versions of moral politicians that could link the economical orbit to that of the spiritual one? Evolution is not a predetermined and preceded path upon which humanity could only slide involuntary, automatically and thus defeated, it has no ultimatum but to accept its end fall … No … but through moulding solid and hard social and anthropological facts into the furnace of what should be rather a target than what it seems to be a reality it might then achieve its destined end in transforming our world into a better one.
Ammar Keylani
Reformer/film maker/photographer/writer/lecturer
Political Views for an Arab Nation
In the last 30 years under the rule of Mubarak the rich became richer and the poor poorer. The middle class has been dismantled and a new illiterate and materialistic class has been created. Compassion and neighbourhood, qualities that Egyptians were famous of 30 years ago were wiped away and people started to think of money, status or turning fanatical muslims. The real antagonism taking place now is between that class and the clean and pure one who initiated this revolution and has no affiliation with any political or religious trend except their own sense of righteousness and justice. The clash that is taking place right now is not about Mubarak as much as about the tremendous gap created between those who abused the simple people, who followed the system and profited well from it and between the new generation who are able to look at moral and ethical values and abide by them in their mundane and daily behaviour and routine.
There is a huge difference between the injustice that took place at the time of Mubarak against the commoners throughout the entire Egyptian nation and the injustice that is taking place now against the rightful owners and launchers of this revolution. The Islamic party is taking advantage of the fresh and impartial youth who started this revolution and they are bringing out all the thugs, the hooligans and the criminals and leading them against the very simple and honourable Egyptians to implant chaos and terror in their homes and their loved ones. They realize that the first most important instinct of humanity is self-preservation and if they could diverse the attention of the people towards it then they would not mind who rules even if it was the antichrist himself. We should not allow them for if they will succeed then this country will turn to become another Iran with fanaticism to the last small and dirty detail and they killed freedom and righteousness. This revolution should not stand behind any religion. In the French revolution that took place 1789, the blood baths stained the very cause and principles of Justice, Equality and Freedom and ended with the creation of a bigger and more destructive dictator, Napoleon Bonaparte. Those who want to worship a god, go do it in your living rooms and your temples but leave the streets and the squares a place for a pure revolution that seeks only Justice.
I have been to Cuba and there I met one of the most amazing and proud nations ever. A nation that was brutally oppressed and abused by the americans since 1912. In the thirties and until 59 they lodged a tyrant called Batista to do their dirty work and insure that only American companies will profit from the sweat of the simple people. They changed the peaceful island into a whorehouse, Casinos, gambling and money laundry. And yet Fidel, Che Guevara & Cienfuegos believed in a free and democratic nation and fought for it. In 1956 they started their rebellion and took their freedom along 3 bitter years of fighting. On that gorgeous island I read every book Che Guevara wrote and made interviews with so many poor and hard working people. But the damned americans would not give them the human right to live their choice and celebrate it. Thus the active and massive American media launched crusades against the communist regime and they even blew their own people and their own aero planes themselves – as they did in 9-11 – only to bring down the honourable nation to its knees and give the world a false message. Now Obama want to tell us what to do and how to remain within peaceful conduct while his bloody jails still stain the shores of Guantanamo with hundreds of prisoners and while he succeeded to split the Cuban Nation into Pro-Fidel and Anti_Fidel all under the false notion of democracy and freedom. He wishes a juicy part of the kill!!! Clean your garbage first Obama before you advice others about theirs. We don’t need americans or their opinions in this clean revolution of ours!!!
political views for an Arab Nation
Political Views for an Arab Nation
In the last 30 years under the rule of Mubarak the rich became richer and the poor poorer. The middle class has been dismantled and a new illiterate and materialistic class has been created. Compassion and neighbourhood, qualities that Egyptians were famous of 30 years ago were wiped away and people started to think of money, status or turning fanatical muslims. The real antagonism taking place now is between that class and the clean and pure one who initiated this revolution and has no affiliation with any political or religious trend except their own sense of righteousness and justice. The clash that is taking place right now is not about Mubarak as much as about the tremendous gap created between those who abused the simple people, who followed the system and profited well from it and between the new generation who are able to look at moral and ethical values and abide by them in their mundane and daily behaviour and routine.
There is a huge difference between the injustice that took place at the time of Mubarak against the commoners throughout the entire Egyptian nation and the injustice that is taking place now against the rightful owners and launchers of this revolution. The Islamic party is taking advantage of the fresh and impartial youth who started this revolution and they are bringing out all the thugs, the hooligans and the criminals and leading them against the very simple and honourable Egyptians to implant chaos and terror in their homes and their loved ones. They realize that the first most important instinct of humanity is self-preservation and if they could diverse the attention of the people towards it then they would not mind who rules even if it was the antichrist himself. We should not allow them for if they will succeed then this country will turn to become another Iran with fanaticism to the last small and dirty detail and they killed freedom and righteousness. This revolution should not stand behind any religion. In the French revolution that took place 1789, the blood baths stained the very cause and principles of Justice, Equality and Freedom and ended with the creation of a bigger and more destructive dictator, Napoleon Bonaparte. Those who want to worship a god, go do it in your living rooms and your temples but leave the streets and the squares a place for a pure revolution that seeks only Justice.
I have been to Cuba and there I met one of the most amazing and proud nations ever. A nation that was brutally oppressed and abused by the americans since 1912. In the thirties and until 59 they lodged a tyrant called Batista to do their dirty work and insure that only American companies will profit from the sweat of the simple people. They changed the peaceful island into a whorehouse, Casinos, gambling and money laundry. And yet Fidel, Che Guevara & Cienfuegos believed in a free and democratic nation and fought for it. In 1956 they started their rebellion and took their freedom along 3 bitter years of fighting. On that gorgeous island I read every book Che Guevara wrote and made interviews with so many poor and hard working people. But the damned americans would not give them the human right to live their choice and celebrate it. Thus the active and massive American media launched crusades against the communist regime and they even blew their own people and their own aero planes themselves – as they did in 9-11 – only to bring down the honourable nation to its knees and give the world a false message. Now Obama want to tell us what to do and how to remain within peaceful conduct while his bloody jails still stain the shores of Guantanamo with hundreds of prisoners and while he succeeded to split the Cuban Nation into Pro-Fidel and Anti_Fidel all under the false notion of democracy and freedom. He wishes a juicy part of the kill!!! Clean your garbage first Obama before you advice others about theirs. We don’t need americans or their opinions in this clean revolution of ours!!!
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